Wednesday, November 12, 2014
“The Greatness of the Boldt Decision" event on video
“The Greatness of the Bolt Decision of 1974: Its Pivotal Role in Northwest Washington, Indian Country and America Today" from Charles Wilkinson in Bellingham on Vimeo.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Friday, October 3, 2014
Inter-faith statement of solidarity with Lummi Nation 2013
Inter-faith statement of
solidarity with Lummi Nation
Respect for sacred
places is intrinsic in most religious traditions, often at places where a sense
of the divine was manifested or experienced. Sacred sites for Christians in
Jerusalem include the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the traditional site of
Jesus’ burial and resurrection. For Muslims, there is the Dome of the Rock
where the prophet Muhammad ascended into heaven. For Jews, there is the area
associated with the second temple including the Temple Mount.
are countless examples on all continents. Buddhists hold as holy the places where
Buddha was born, enlightened, and died. The Ganges River is sacred to Hindus. Shinto shrines throughout Japan are used for the
safekeeping of sacred objects as well as marking sacred spaces. Phiphidi is
part of a network of sacred sites in South Africa. Right here in Whatcom County
the Lummi Nation’s sacred sites are thousands of years old.
More recently,
sites in the US are considered sacred where there have been mass deaths
including Gettysburg in PA, Hawaii's World War II Memorials, and Ground
Zero in NYC, which have pivotal meaning for a whole nation.
Cemeteries are
hallowed places for Christians, Buddhists, Jews, and Muslims. Hindus burn their
dead and pour their ashes into the sacred Ganges River. Even among the
secular there are the burial places of historical heroes and of fallen soldiers.
Sacred are the memories of loved ones who have passed from this life. There is
a strong moral presumption to oppose disrupting any of these sites and the
sacred meanings attached to them.
We are deeply
indebted to the Lummi and other indigenous peoples for reminding us that we are
part of a living, dynamic cosmos. Creation has a dignity and purpose that goes
beyond human quests for economic gain. We violate this when we refuse to accept
the limits of Creation and our responsibilities to it, or when we are complicit
in practices that result in the further destruction of the wellbeing of the
creation for all.
We pray for help to see this
beloved garden in the same way as our Lummi neighbors do—as sacred ground,
sacred water, sacred air, mother of us all.
as people of faith, we stand in solidarity with the Lummi Nation in
opposing any developments that disrupt their sacred lands and waters
at Cherry Point.
August 14, 2013 For further information, contact Deb Cruz
( ) or Rev. Karen Bloomquist (
BUF Resolution to Honor the Lummi Nation's Sacred Lands and Waters of Cherry Point
The Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship affirms and promotes the inherent
worth and dignity of all people, the goal of world community with
equity, peace, liberty and justice for all, and the interdependent web of
all existence of which we are a part; and
recognize the Lummi Nation as the descendants of one of
several original First Nation communities inhabiting, for many, many
generations, the land and waters of this area, now known as the
Salish Sea; and
the First Nations’ cultural tenets include the preserving,
protecting and promoting their way of life and how that means
protecting the land, waters, plant life, air and animals who share it
and upon which they depend; and
First Nations’ right to reserve the use and protection of those
lands, fresh water, the ocean nearby, and the natural products and
resources which may be derived from those places is a right that is guaranteed
by conscience, treaty and law; and
recognize how vulnerable these gifts of natural resources are and how
easily they can become exploited, severely harmed and depleted by forces
who do not share First Nations’ worldview; and
That urban and industrial occupation and use of those historical
lands and waters, will destroy the natural remains of those tribal
histories, and cause unrecoverable losses; and
further recognize the Lummi Nation know the lands and waters of Xwe’chi’eXen
(known to us as Cherry Point) to be sacred lands and waters associated with
their Creation Story, known to them as “the home of the ancient ones,” are
the ancestral burial grounds for their People and they have a promise and duty
to protect and preserve these sacred spaces; and
Lummi Nation have a history of opposing development of
their cultural, historic and spiritual lands and waters, known to
them as Xwe’chi’eXen, Cherry Point.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT - The Bellingham Unitarian
Fellowship, a caring and spiritual organization, pledges its support to
the Lummi Nation in protecting their sacred lands and waters based on
our Unitarian Universalist Principles; and
IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT - We propose and support
the rejection of all industrial, commercial and residential uses of
the remaining natural lands and waters on and adjacent to Cherry
Point; and
IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT – We will encourage members to
request that the current legislative bodies with jurisdiction over all
industrial, commercial and residential uses of the remaining natural lands
on or adjacent to Cherry Point, rule that such uses are not and shall not
be permitted; and
IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT - We will encourage members
to request that the current legislative bodies with jurisdiction over all
industrial, commercial and residential uses of the remaining and
connecting waters near Cherry Point, including the rivers and creeks, the
nearshore and the offshore waters, rule that such uses are not and
shall not be permitted, except for the use of potable water for consumption
by the people, on and near such waters, so long as such use does not
harm or threaten the existing natural community’s reliance on the same resources;
IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT - We will actively encourage
our membership to engage in activities and events, supported by the Lummi
Nation, that could prevent or assist in deterring significant damage to
these sacred lands and waters on and adjacent to Cherry Point; and
encourage our membership to engage in activities and events, supported by
the Lummi Nation, that will work to educate the surrounding community
as to the importance of preserving and restoring the lands and
waters on and adjacent to Cherry Point.
by the Social
Justice Committee of Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship
on the date: 5th
of May, of the year 2013.
by the Annual
General Meeting of the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship,
on the
date: 19 May, of the year 2013
UUA Resolution: Repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery
The Doctrine of Discovery
2012 Responsive Resolution
WHEREAS the delegates of the 2010 General Assembly instructed the UUA Board to create a “Justice General Assembly” in 2012, whose business is accountable to partner organizations doing human rights work in Arizona; and
WHEREAS the Unitarian Universalist Association has been asked by partner organizations working with the Arizona Immigration Ministry to educate our member congregations about the Doctrine of Discovery and to pass a resolution repudiating it; and
WHEREAS the UUA Board of Trustees has submitted to the member congregations a report explaining the Doctrine of Discovery and why the Board believes it to be contrary to Unitarian Universalist Principles.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we, the delegates of the 2012 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association, repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery as a relic of colonialism, feudalism, and religious, cultural, and racial biases having no place in the modern day treatment of indigenous peoples; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we call upon the Unitarian Universalist Association and its member congregations to review the historical theologies, policies, and programs of Unitarianism, Universalism, and Unitarian Universalism to expose the historical reality and impact of the Doctrine of Discovery and eliminate its presence in the contemporary policies, programs, theologies, and structures of Unitarian Universalism; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we call upon the Unitarian Universalist Association to invite indigenous partners to a process of Honor and Healing (often called Truth and Reconciliation), and if one or more partners agree, to undergo such a process about Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist complicity in the structures and policies that oppress indigenous peoples and the earth; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we call upon the leadership of the Unitarian Universalist Association to make a clear and concise statement repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery and its current use in U.S. laws and regulations; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we encourage other religious bodies to reject the use of the Doctrine of Discovery to dominate indigenous peoples, and that the UUA collaborate with these groups to propose a specific Congressional Resolution to repudiate this doctrine; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we call upon the United States to fully implement the standards of the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the U.S. law and policy without qualifications. In doing so, we support the establishment of commissions that include accountable representatives of the indigenous nations of North America and the Hawai’ian Kingdom.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Totem Pole Journey 2014 Fundraising Call
Totem Pole Journey
The Totem Pole Journey,
scheduled for July through September 2014, is one response to the many fossil
fuel projects throughout the U. S. and Canada.
These projects include the Keystone Pipeline, the Kinder-Morgan toxic
tarsands pipelines (Alberta to ports in British Columbia) and the coal/oil/gas
export projects throughout the Pacific Northwest. The largest of these being the coal export
facility proposed at Xwe’chi’eXen (Cherry Point) in the traditional
homeland territory of Lummi Nation, home to an ancient burial ground with a
3,500-year old village site and is crucial to the health of the Salish Sea
fisheries. These projects will have
significant and adverse impacts on Native and non-Native communities, alike.
This Totem Pole Journey will
unite three compelling communication projects (the Mural, the Totem Pole and
China Express Exhibit) that will appeal to the emotional and intellectual
through visual arts.

China Express. Photographer Carlan Tapp traveled the train routes to British
Columbia, photographing everything from the open-pit coal mines in Wyoming to
Pacific Northwest towns and Indian reservations. Tapp’s black-and-white images of the
frost-covered firs and mist-shrouded hills along the route are starkly beautiful
but marred by the consistent presence of the train tracks. Opportunities to show the exhibit can be
scheduled for August in Minneapolis, MN, Olympia and Seattle.
convergence of the totem pole, the mural, and the exhibit will have an enduring
and profound impact on all.
As one of
many communities being impacted by these projects and because we have expressed
our support in protecting Xwe'chi'eXen, the faith
community is being asked to help support the Totem Pole Journey by providing
the financial support to meet feeding the Totem Pole Journey crew. The cost of feeding the 5-member crew during
the mininum 15 days they will be traveling is estimated at roughly $4,000. Please ask your community to become a part of
this monumental movement to engage communities throughout the U.S. and Canada
in sharing the responsibility of preserving the land, air and water that is
precious to us all.
are to be made out to "Lummi Nation Service Organization - Totel Pole
Journey" and mailed to Beth Brownfield, 3820 Fielding Ave., Bellingham, WA
98229 by July 28th as the Journey crew leaves in August. In the memo line, please write the name of
your faith community. Contributions will
then be hand-delivered to Lummi in order to track the faith community's
Feel free
to contact either of us with any questions:
Beth Brownfield ( or Deb Cruz
( We will contact
you when Journey events and activities will be taking place with an invitation
for you to attend and participate.
Thank you for all your support!
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