Totem Pole Journey
The Totem Pole Journey,
scheduled for July through September 2014, is one response to the many fossil
fuel projects throughout the U. S. and Canada.
These projects include the Keystone Pipeline, the Kinder-Morgan toxic
tarsands pipelines (Alberta to ports in British Columbia) and the coal/oil/gas
export projects throughout the Pacific Northwest. The largest of these being the coal export
facility proposed at Xwe’chi’eXen (Cherry Point) in the traditional
homeland territory of Lummi Nation, home to an ancient burial ground with a
3,500-year old village site and is crucial to the health of the Salish Sea
fisheries. These projects will have
significant and adverse impacts on Native and non-Native communities, alike.
This Totem Pole Journey will
unite three compelling communication projects (the Mural, the Totem Pole and
China Express Exhibit) that will appeal to the emotional and intellectual
through visual arts.

China Express. Photographer Carlan Tapp traveled the train routes to British
Columbia, photographing everything from the open-pit coal mines in Wyoming to
Pacific Northwest towns and Indian reservations. Tapp’s black-and-white images of the
frost-covered firs and mist-shrouded hills along the route are starkly beautiful
but marred by the consistent presence of the train tracks. Opportunities to show the exhibit can be
scheduled for August in Minneapolis, MN, Olympia and Seattle.
convergence of the totem pole, the mural, and the exhibit will have an enduring
and profound impact on all.
As one of
many communities being impacted by these projects and because we have expressed
our support in protecting Xwe'chi'eXen, the faith
community is being asked to help support the Totem Pole Journey by providing
the financial support to meet feeding the Totem Pole Journey crew. The cost of feeding the 5-member crew during
the mininum 15 days they will be traveling is estimated at roughly $4,000. Please ask your community to become a part of
this monumental movement to engage communities throughout the U.S. and Canada
in sharing the responsibility of preserving the land, air and water that is
precious to us all.
are to be made out to "Lummi Nation Service Organization - Totel Pole
Journey" and mailed to Beth Brownfield, 3820 Fielding Ave., Bellingham, WA
98229 by July 28th as the Journey crew leaves in August. In the memo line, please write the name of
your faith community. Contributions will
then be hand-delivered to Lummi in order to track the faith community's
Feel free
to contact either of us with any questions:
Beth Brownfield ( or Deb Cruz
( We will contact
you when Journey events and activities will be taking place with an invitation
for you to attend and participate.
Thank you for all your support!